Monday, 30 May 2011

CPRE Shropshire joining Rally in Cardiff on 24 May re National Grid Proposals

Shropshire CPRE are organising a coach to take protestors down to Cardiff for a rally on Tuesday 24 May, joining hundreds of other concerned people from Wales and the Borders. If you would like to book a seat, please complete a booking form (here) and contact our Administrator. Click here for the press release we sent out on Friday 13th.

CPRE Shropshire AGM & National Grid Proposals for Shropshire

In face of the National Grid's proposals to install pylons and overhead transmission lines across Shropshire, we have decided to include this urgent and important item in our agenda on the evening of Thursday 12th May. We are inviting representatives from some of the independent campaign groups to join us to look at the issue and discuss tactics.
If you have a particular interest in, or concern about, this issue and can get to the Shirehall for 7pm on 12th we would be very pleased to see you and hear your views and concerns.
Click here for a press release we have sent out to newspapers and Radio Shropshire.
Refreshments will be served from 7pm and the pylons issue will be discussed before the AGM business.
For more information contact our Administrator