Monday, 27 June 2011

CPRE - Rally at Welshpool Livestock Market Wed 29th June 12:30 - 15:30

Powys County Council will debate whether or not TAN8 should be revised.


The Council is setting up a wide screen at the market so that we can see and hear the debate. We must support this extraordinary move by the council who want us to see democracy in action. If we do not turn out in great numbers then there is a very real danger that they will not vote for TAN8 to be revised. We went in the thousands and cheered Glyn Davies and followed him to Cardiff. It is equally important that we now follow this through and let Powys County Council know exactly how
we feel.
Calls to review TAN8 were defeated in a Welsh Assembly vote on Wednesday but Russell George has said “This is by no means the end of the fight. If Powys County Council asks for a review of TAN8 that will add pressure, as will the handing in of the largest ever petition to the Welsh Government on Tuesday"

Come to the Livestock Market and add your voice to those calling on Powys County Council to vote for a review. The meeting will begin at 12.30 p.m. with a review of what has been done, what is being done now, and what has to be done to win this fight. We want the councillors to see the crowds before they go into the market and begin the debate, which will open at 2.00 p.m. and will be witnessed by all there on the big screen.

The Welsh Assembly Government has made it very clear that they think, in their own words, that TAN8 is still 'fit for purpose'. It is not. Let us back Powys County Council and let them know exactly how we feel.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

National Volunteers' Week

It's National Volunteers' Week this week when hoards of people suddenly stop working themselves to the bone to feed their families, put their sons & daughters through further education, save for that 'must have' foreign holiday, and start selflessly doing things for their community, or for others less advantaged than themselves.

Well, it would be nice if it were true, but the reality is that, although there is a hard core of driven and committed volunteers who use up their precious spare time digging out canals and doing shopping for the elderly, a lot of volunteering is done by the retired who want to 'give something back'. Many of these bring enthusiasm, energy and skills to the causes/organisations they choose to support, but unfortunately some are unfamiliar with the modern technology, social networking and communications skills necessary to make an impact in our modern world.

Of course, potential 'volunteers' are perhaps reluctant to approach a charitable organisation because they can't make a long term commitment. But volunteering need not be like that. There must be so many people who have skills in accounting, IT, social networking, publishing, fundraising and more, who could spend an afternoon providing a bit of advice which might just make a world of difference: show a treasurer how to use a computer spreadsheet, show a publicity officer some desktop publishing, show an events organiser how to tweet! Even if you have no skills at all, some organisations are always looking for volunteers to stand outside Council Offices, hold placards and shout at Councillors!

If you are too mean to give up your time for free, talk to your employer. Many employers are now giving employees 'volunteer days' as part of their benefits package (along with annual holiday, 'duvet days', 'sickies', etc.). The employer pays for you to work for a registered charity or similar organisation for say 2 or 3 days a year. If your employer does not do this, ask. It could be they have never thought of it - many companies benefit from demonstrable social/community credentials.

Finally, if you'd like to support a local charity, but can't just find the energy to rise from your armchair, send in a bob or two!

Remember, that warm feeling you get from selfless and charitable acts is better than sex or alcohol - thousands of volunteers up and down the country can't be wrong.

If you'd like to help CPRE, Shropshire please get in touch with our Administrator, contact details are on our website.